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Nash and the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce

To The Netherlands Chambers of Commerce,

I am resending the mail to you, because I did not get any answer
from you and I am really not sure about Mr Valentine Ndiovu and his
offer. It sounds too goood to be true....here's my previous mail, from
July 6th....

I just got a mail from Mr Valentine Ndiovu, who claims that he got
my e-mail adress from you. Please inform me if this is truth. If so,
who gave you the right to distribute my adress?
If his claim is a lie, sorry! Be aware that somebody is using your name!!!
(see the big red letters in his mail)

Thanks in advance,
Nash Chovek

Here is his mail:

Received: from yahoo492.com (node-c-3ec6.a2000.nl [])
 by thalia.otenet.gr (8.12.9/8.12.9) with SMTP id h66Ch6gl020678
 for Nash; Sun, 6 Jul 2003 15:43:06 +0300 (EEST)
Message-Id: <200307061243.h66Ch6gl020678@thalia.otenet.gr>
From: Mr Valentine Ndiovu <vndiovu@yahoo.com>
To:  Nash
Reply-To: vndiovu@yahoo.com
Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 14:38:31 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="56dcbd64-6d10-4027-8aae-73e148acec10"
X-UIDL: F#`!!(KR"!c4Z"!hWP!!
Status: U

This is a multi-part message in MIME format
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Mr Valentine Ndiovu
Tel: + 31-642-071-820
Fax: + 31-619-708-248
E-Mail: vndiovu@yahoo.com

Dear sir
                                         BUSINESS PROPOSAL

My name is valentine ndiovu, the eldest son of  Mr Smith Ndiovu of =
zimbabwe.It might be a surprise to where I got your contact addres. I got it
from Netherlands Chambers of Commerce.

During the current crisis against the farmers of zimbabwe by the supports of =
our President Robert Mugabe to claim all the white owned farmers in our =
country, he ordered all white farmers to surrender their farms to his party =
members and their followers.

My father was one of the best farmers in the country and knowing that he did =
not support the president's political ideology, the president's support =
invaded my father's farm and burnt down everthing. Shoot him and as a result =
of the wound sustained, he become sick and died after two days. After his =
death my mother and I together with my younger brother decided to move of =
Zimbabwe for the safety of our lives to south africa where I later move to =

But before my father died, he wrote a will, which reads: 'my beloved son, I =
wish to draw your attention to the sum of  US$24.5m (twenty four million, =
five hundred thousand united states dollars). Which I deposite with a =
security company in amsterdam holland, In case of my absence as  a result of =
death only, You should solicit for a reliable foreign partner to assist you =
to invest this money. I deposited the money in your name (valentine ndiovu) =
and it can be claim by you alone with the deposite code, your mother has the =
whole document take good care of your mother and your brother.

From the above, you will understand that the lives of my family depend on =
this money As such I will be very grateful if you can assist us. I am now =
living in holland as political asylum seeker and the financial law of =
netherland do not allow asylum seekers certain financial right to such huge =
amount of money. In view of this, I can't invest this money in netherlands =
hence I am seeking for your assistance to tranfer this money out of =
netherlands for investment purpose. For your efforts, I am prepard to offer =
you 20% of the total funds, 10% for any expenses that may be incurred in the =
course of this transaction, While 70% will be kept for my family and I.

Finally, modalities on how the transfer will be done will conveyed to you. =
once we establish trust and confidence between ourselves. Looking forward to =
your urgent reply.For more information you call me on the above tel and fax =

Note,The key word to this transaction is absolute confidentiality and =
secrecy.The transaction is 100% risk free.your urgent response will be highly =

VALENTINE NDIOVU (for the family).



Date:  Saturday, July 19, 2003 4:30 PM

If this is a wrong e-mail adress, please send me the right one...

To The Netherlands Chambers of Commerce,

I am resending the mail to you, because I did not get any answer
from you and I am really not sure about Mr Valentine Ndiovu and his
offer. I may travel to Amsterdam in few days to conclude a deal with
Mr,Ndivou, But I'd be very happy if you confirmed to me that what
mr. ndivou claims is the truth.

Please answer to me this time.

Here is my previous mail to you:
I just got a mail from Mr Valentine Ndiovu, who claims that he got
my e-mail adress from you. Please inform me if this is truth. If so,
who gave you the right to distribute my adress?
If his claim is a lie, sorry! Be aware that somebody is using your name!!!
(see the big red letters in his mail)

Thanks in advance,
Nash Chovek


Stay tuned for more if they decide to reply back!

Also, don't miss the original episodes of "Nash Versus the Spammers"!