So, Trump keeps claiming that the investigation into Russian interference in the election and his campaign’s possible ties to it is a “witch hunt.”
Here are some facts:
Last week, Michael Cohen claimed that Trump was aware of the meeting that Don Jr held with Russian lawyers in Trump Tower on June 9, 2016.
Then on Monday of this week, Rudy Giuliani said there was a SECOND meeting with Cohen and everyone involved – except Trump – that took place 2 days prior to the June 9th meeting, in which they discussed how they would handle the Russian meeting. This is also the same day in which Trump made a speech in which he promised dirt on Hillary Clinton. Rudy couldn’t remember all the names of the people in the meeting, but he was very adamant that Trump did not know about it.
Then later on Monday, Rudy Giuliani calls into Fox News to then say that the second meeting never happened. The Fox News hosts were confused – as we all were – about Rudy mentioning that there was no second meeting, but that if there *was*, Trump wouldn’t have known anything about it.
And so *this* is the reason why there is a Russia investigation. No one can keep a story straight. Hell, even Rudy Giuliani can’t keep his own stories straight!
Somewhere, there is a truth. This is why Robert Mueller was picked to lead an investigation. Trump can keep calling it a witch hunt, but the fact is that as long as his team keeps telling these inconsistent stories, we’re going to need an investigation into what really happened with his campaign and their ties to Russia.
The more the President calls it a witch hunt – and the more his team keeps bringing up these inconsistent alibis – the more he keeps proving the need for an independent investigation.