So years ago, this was a place where I would come and rant against everything.
Then, my son Alex was born. I changed jobs. I went on a TV game show. Things were going well, and I didn’t feel the need to rant.
Then, in the blink of an eye in November 2016, Donald Trump got elected. People were furious. I was disappointed, as any of you who know me can attest, but I went into it optimistically. I mean, really, just how bad could he be? We survived George W. Bush getting us into a needless war and killing the economy. I mean, Trump couldn’t do any worse, right? Right?
And so my only comment was the day after the election when I said that I wasn’t so sure that Trump was going to make America great again, but he was definitely going to make Trump great again.
But I stayed retired, quietly ranting to close friends and family.
And now, after a year and a half of watching my country – a country I pledged my life to defend – be completely upended, I decided to come out of retirement, dust off the old soapbox, and rant like I never have before.
Welcome back to Rants in Your Pants!