A lot was made this week of Omarosa’s claim that she heard President Trump use the N-word. He denies it, just as he denies he’s a racist, but then immediately tweets out that Omarosa is a “crazed, crying lowlife” and “that dog.”
When you give a crazed, crying lowlife a break, and give her a job at the White House, I guess it just didn’t work out. Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 14, 2018
So once again, President Trump is quick to dehumanize someone of color that he doesn’t like, referring to her as a “dog.” Yet, dictators who murder their own people are referred to as “respected.” This comes after he made similar remarks about Lebron James and Don Lemon.
So to me, he’s denying he’s using the N-word, but he has no problem calling a black woman a “lowlife” and “dog.” It’s not the N-word, but it’s still offensive and racist. He doesn’t need to use the N-word to be a racist.
Besides Nixon (who said such stuff in the privacy of the Oval Office), can anyone name another president who used such language and insults publicly about anyone?
What’s even more surprising is that there are people defending the President and his rhetoric. And for them, I have this cautionary tale:
Omarosa was a trusted and loyal advisor to the President. As soon as she was fired, he turned and is now referring to her in such an insulting way.
Of all of you who are loyal to a man undeserving of such loyalty – do NOT be surprised when you fall out of favor and he turns on you.
And in the end, I have to say that the president wants to look macho and tough, but it reflects the most poorly on him: If she was so “crazed,” why would he ever give her a job in the White House? If, for the benefit of the doubt, she was unqualified to begin with, then shame on him for hiring her in the first place.
And yes, this man has his finger on the nuclear button.